Not just due to the grossout nature of the episode, it's a pretty disturbing vision of what a rampant, accelerated biological attack would look like: first, the sick Amoeba Boys sneeze near some apples, which infects the seller and all the fruit in the cart. And coupled with her generally unsettling face whilst in human mode makes for one of the most unique and downright psychologically brutal villanesses yet. An evil seductress who easily manipulates the will of men and goes out of her way, often horribly abusing the girls to put them out of commission. Even after Him went through Badass Decay in later episodes, the narrator still shows hesitance and fear when saying his name.

Later seasons show it to be a World Gone Mad/ World of Chaos with various pieces of Chaos Architecture swirling randomly through a formless void while random live-action clips inexplicably play against the background. And that was BEFORE it got re-designed.It's less a bachelor pad and more an entrance into the Eye of Terror. There's no furniture, appliances (except a TV), logic or causality. His room is illuminated by an eerie pink light. He lives in a rundown apartment building. The only recurring villain not obsessed with ruling Townsville or monetary gain, but rather, with utterly breaking the girls' spirit for no reason other than because he's just plain EVIL. His appearance is always accompanied by a Scare Chord. HIM - a crossdressing, nameless embodiment of all that is evil, whose voice ranges from a cheerful lisp to a raging roar to an insidious whisper, with a constant creepy reverb throughout.Many of them are quite disturbingly graphic for a kids show. Just the fact that the girls end up mutilating a lot of the giant monsters they regularly fight throughout the show's run is unsettling within itself.As part of the show's animesque style, every time an Earth-Shattering Kaboom is shown, it's done in complete silence, implying that the force from the explosion is so great that it takes a few minutes for the sound to catch up with the image or even that the very film you're watching can't capture, let alone recreate, such an awesome sound.
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